Turkey Hunting - Fall 2023

With road closures in the spring due to snow, my husband was repulled for the fall turkey hunt! Since it was still within camping season, we decided to make it a family trip. The kids had two weeks after school which was perfect timing. 

The two weekends prior to opening day we went up and did some scouting and some camping, trying to get a familiar idea of where to hunt and where the turkeys are. We can’t really do much with our kids because they scare the turkey and any animal away anywhere near us because they’re so loud.

when it finally comes down to a few days before opening day, my husband decides that Wednesday afternoon he was going to go up and get us a spot. I said fine that’s perfect only because I wanted to make sure we got a good spot and since it was gonna be the first weekend we didn’t want to have to settle for something that we didn’t wanna be in for a week and a half since we did plan to be camping a maximum of 10 days. Me and the kids came up Thursday mid morning to join. While none of us really could go with my husband when he hunted for the turkeys we bought activities and a lot of things to keep the kids busy. 

However, like any other vacation, I didn’t feel well. So Friday all I wanted to do was just lay in the trailer and the kids just played on the tablets, little find it books and various other activities we brought. So Friday afternoon comes and my husband finally returned. He didn’t get a turkey, but he met some really nice people looking for elk.

So early Saturday morning, he gets up again and head back over to his zone. And it was only a couple hours later that he ended up coming back which surprised me. I wasn’t expecting him back that early. Turns out he got his turkey!!!

Due to the amount of gas we spent in those few days and the amount of eyes we would have to be bang. We ended up just calling it a day and headed back home. So basically our 10 day trip only turned into a three day trip with the kids and I was sad, but I mean I’m not going to spend a lot of money on ice to freeze a turkey so we can stay up and camp. 

Well, he may put in for turkey hunting again in the future. I doubt I would only because Turkey just doesn’t sound interesting for me to hunt, but stayed home to see our next hunting adventures!


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