Reward Ideas for Kids

So, Logan has had behavioral issues in school due to his ADHD. He is now over half way through First Grade. The school does a great job keeping us informed which we LOVE! But at home, after school is usually when his medicine wears off. So we have been trying to find ways to help keep him motivated to behave. I know this sounds weird but if you do not have a child with severe ADHD, it may not make sense to you. Logan bounces off the walls and could outrun the energizer bunny on steroids. 

Back to what I was saying about rewards. I guess these ideas can be used for whatever you want. I know some of these we do use for chores and things too. (As always, I will link in videos as I can or things that we have used!)

Sticker Charts: we have used these on and off, specifically these reward sticker journals, they come with many varying chores and tasks with quite a few blank to fill in yourself if needed. Then its listed out Mon-Sunday and 7 task columns. There is a goal and reward box. I loved this but honestly it was hard to keep up with. This one I do recommend if you can keep up with it. 

Rewards jar/sticks: this is a new thing we are trying but so far it is slow, since we are using it to give  incentives for him to get all smiley faces at school. We mixed actually rewards and 'token' sticks which he would need 10 tokens to go to the game store or buy a new Xbox game type thing. The only thing is, this seems to take a bit of time to get them considering the parameters we placed on it. 

Chore Time Charts: basically this is just a chart that we have that when they complete a specific chore or task, they get a specific amount of time for Xbox or tablets. This is literally a paper I printed on Microsoft Word that says like play with the dog, clean your room, help with laundry, do your homework, that gives them time accrued for which ever screen they want.

Color Chart: similar to the others, basically its a coloring page that contains 20 stars in which they get to color in as they do a specific thing. Or premade ones like this one where you fill up the path to your reward! 


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