The 2021 - 2023 Updates

 Alright, so it’s been a while since I have posted anything. Yea I know I am bad at this haha. I guess this should be more of a 2021-2023 update. It was originally the 2022 update but I failed at that too. We will just touch the tip of the events and I might add a post in depth to some of them at some point. (I will link them if I do, don’t worry about clicking around to find specifics). More of a list than pictures for this one but a short interesting life update read. 

Let’s begin with 2021 in mid summer. 

Our dog London became very sick. We planned on her not making it due to her blood having to be diluted FOUR times to even get results to populate! They think she got into something that was poisonous and was putting her into severe liver failure. We did in home IV and forced food and water down her throat for the weekend. She ended up getting better slowly but, since it’s now 2023, she still has some lasting effects but she is happy and loved. 

The husband turned 30! We had a huge party for him and well, most people were too drunk to remember most of it but oh was it fun! 

My best friend and her bf came out to AZ to visit and we made homemade pizzas for the first time ever! That was so much fun and a fun new experience! 

My husband surprised me for my birthday with a new tattoo! (He loves me haha) the tattoo itself is for my kids, its both their birth month flowers. 

We took a trip up north to the Grand Canyon where our son caught his FIRST fish! 

I went to my first in person stand up comedy show! It was amazing! I went with a girl friend and her neighbour. We shared a gallon sangria and then finished up at the bar next door. Ohhhh were we all sick after that night. 

The husband took our son to Universal Studios in California for his fifth birthday! Then we celebrated his birthday. 

Our typical yearly outings to the farms, pumpkin patches and festivals here in AZ.

It is 2022 now. Some main points to touch on.

Our son did his first ever team sport! Baseball! 

We bought a travel trailer!! Finally!!! We took it camping many times. We love going off the main roads way back in the deep forest to the nothingness. 

My sister got married! (at this time its 2023 so they are expecting their first baby any day)

Battled with ADHD for our son and that was a whole production and months of doctors and meds. (I will most likely post about this and ideas for kids with ADHD)

Our son begun Kindergarten! 

I took a major promotion in my work and have LOVED IT! Still in the same company but more of investigations for financial crimes. 

The last few months do not seem super interesting though. So we can quickly go through it. We visited a few places around Phx metro area.  

We did do the Polar Express (Link Soon!) for Arizona! It was amazing!!!!! Train is up in Williams AZ and the kids loved all of it. They read the book, you get to meet Santa, and hot coco. While we were up there, we visited the Deer Farm where you feed the deer. Another great thing!!

My son lost is first tooth in December. 

2023 begins and we had more fun at various activities around the area. 

Butterfly Wonderland, FunBox largest bounce house, a pinball bar.

My husband and I celebrated 9 years in Hawaii! (I will try to get that one linked in as well). That was a phenomenal trip!  

We got 6 new baby chickens in which two were roosters and we had to get rid of them. Currently we only have 5. We also got a Sun Conure. 

We took the kids to Disneyland with my parents! It was for our daughters 5th birthday where she got to do the Princess package thing.

I had surgery so I was down for a bit. Nothing major, everything is good!

Went camping a few times so far. It has been a busy year. 

We are slowly starting up a Woodworking business (STAY TUNED for more links and customizable gift ideas!) It is in the works and so much fun!

I have taken a huge interest in reading so I will be sharing my favourites in the The Book Shelf tab. Comment if you read them and what you thought and also if you have any ideas!

Both the kids started at a new school, daughter in K and son in 1st grade and it has been going amazing considering last year for our son. 

We had Logans birthday party as a Splatter Paint Party! See it here!

We got a new dog! Purebread black lab we named Bullet!


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