A Child with ADHD
We always knew that our son had ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) even before he went into school. Once he started kindergarten , it was downhill from there. He was overly rambunctious in class which resulted in him having to be moved to half days. It was a constant battle with the school. We were finally able to get him to see the doctor about it. (That is a whole other problem, seeing a regular doctor who is not specializing in children with ADHD). So we went to his pediatrician. She basically said, 'here choose a medicine you want to put him on.' I went with my mum and we looked at each other and chose Adderall because we have heard of that before. The first week was looking good, then he began to struggle. So we called the doctor and told her what was going on, she raised him to the next dosage. Alright maybe it just was not enough for him, he has a very fast metabolism. Tried the second dosage, he seemed to be getting a bit worse. We called her ...