
Showing posts from May, 2020

Garden Update: 2 Months In

So we started the garden just about two months ago and so far it is going well! At this point, we have not really lost any plants themselves, just some seeding issues. We have also talked about expanding the garden a bit. More or less probably on the side oft he house when the summer is over and it begins to cool down a bit since summers here in AZ get so hot. But that is a plan for a few more months out! But none the less I am excited!! The watermelon seeds that we planted, did not sprout. I tried to germinate some more and get those to sprout but those also failed. So there went any hope to grow watermelon at this time. The kids were a bit sad as they love watermelons. The cayenne pepper seeds also did not sprout. But that was alright since we had a few other types of pepper plant already in the garden.  For the other two seed types, cantaloupe and pumpkin, they have sprouted and been transplanted! We did take one pumpkin casualty of the two I kept. I transplanted ...

Disneyland 2020

As Steven and I approached our 6 year anniversary, we had plans and dreams of what we wanted to do. Maybe visit Hawaii, maybe hold up on some hotel without the kids? But naturally we decided to include the kids and make another trip to Disneyland. The time we decided this was a few weeks before we planned on going. So mid February-ish. Just about when the covid-19 virus was breaking through the news. Slowly it picked up and I had doubts in my head about going. Disneyland is full of people from everywhere and Disney Paris and I think Hong Kong were closed. So I was timid. Time drew nearer and the covid-19 was everywhere in the news and what not. We booked our hotels, since we were unable to get all nights at the place we wanted, we booked two hotels from the 5th to the 8th. A few days before we left, covid-19 had cases many places. I had Steven call the hotel figuring people would have canceled so we should be able to get all nights at the majestic gardens hotel. So he did. And we did a...