New Year & New DECADE Resolutions for 2020

So with the new year, EVERYONE is making resolutions which we all don't keep some if not most. This year I want to try to keep ALL my resolutions. I bought a weekly planner to try to keep up with everything. As of right now, it is January 1st. So I am trying to get everything that I have thought about down into the weekly planner.

I have been thinking about everything I want to do but we just do not have the funds for it. So something I cannot write down to accomplish daily/weekly/monthly is to actually pay debt off. I know my husband hates when I talk about money in any aspect but we currently have a house, two vehicles, a couple or so credit cards, and some other loans. So we owe a lot, just use your imagination. My goal is to get at least 2 but hopefully 3 of these paid off. We do have a few that are no interest for 12-18 months but beside the point I want 2-3 of anything paid off. I would love to begin looking for a house to live in until the kids graduate high school or later. So we need to get things paid off and save save save!

A few other of my goals that are not really something I can write down is to keep better track of our bills/expenses. I currently build two excel docs that you add info in and it populates totals in another tab which I LOVE and have been using for years now. Also they both help to keep things organized for taxes and all the fun stuff. First is the Medical for Taxes where I try to keep up with all our appointments (doctor/dentist/rx/eye). As long as I keep this up to date, I can see what days we visited any sort of clinic and when the bill comes if it has been paid. Then at tax time, it has a total of everything you spend that year in bills for when that question comes up. The second one I use ALL THE TIME is to track our debt, the Debt Calculator. I have it listing out about 5 loans (house/cars/ect) and 10 credit cards. When you add amounts, it totals in the center and I take that information to the chart on the right side to see where we are each time I checked the debt.

Lets get back to the things that I personally can do and that I have listed out on a sheet. I have yet to put them in my weekly planner as I am not sure how I want to go about it. But soon! On the list so far I have:

  • Exercise/get in shape
  • Write (blog or novels)
  • Reading a book
  • Work on a new design
  • Grow our small business
  • Eat at home and not order food
  • Check the debt standings
  • Date nights (either weekly or monthly)
  • Do more outdoor activities with the kids
So there are some things that will be a bit harder to measure than others but I think as long as efforts are made to each thing, I will still call it an accomplishment. I will start on Monday as that is the first full week in my planner.

And because I just spent a looonnnngggg time writing in each day for one week, I bought printable labels so I can create them on my laptop and just stick em on! Because you know, I barely have anytime as it is so this will save, I am hoping, a lot of time.  

So I think I will give it a few months then come back and check in with the update for how these are going! Hopefully well but if you know me, it will be a struggle haha. But maybe not and maybe I will have found new things to add. (If you have any suggestions or what yours are, stick them in the comments I would love to hear about them!)


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