
Showing posts from February, 2019

Rosella's NICU Story

Rosella spent the first 3 weeks of her life in the NICU . It was very hard on us emotionally and physically. Not only my husband and I, but our families as well. She was born just over 8 weeks early . Everyday we hoped she would grow and not have any issues. It was a long three weeks. Logan was still in preschool at the time so at least I was able to visit her everyday.  Rosella was born 31 weeks and 5 days gestation. Just over 2 months early. She was only 3 pounds 9 ounces. Just a little thing. She was born 3:33 in the morning. I did not get to see her until about 8:30 and I still was unable to hold my baby. Granted I was so drugged up from everything (if you read the Arrival of Rosella's post ). We went back a bit before 2pm and then I was able to hold her.  The rules were a bit strict. To those who never have experienced a child in the NICU, you will not understand how emotional it can be. We could only hold her right after care and feeding and you had to hold her for ...

The Arrival of Rosella Ann Singer

If you have read my previous posts about how my pregnancy had gone, then you know that with all the issues, you could figure it would be not how I could imagine. Well being in the hospital and monitored (baby's heart rate and uterine contractions) twice a day with access to nurses any time I may have needed one worked in my favor leading up to the birth. When you read thru this, remember that most things I was going thru was considered normal for my pregnancy issues. And that I honestly had no idea I was actually in labor until moments before. So I woke up very early in the morning, around 1 am on May 3rd with contractions but they were not too bad. Manageable and spaced out enough there was no call for concern. But being only 31 weeks and 3 days pregnant with steady contractions, I was administered magnesium. For those who do not know what that does, it is used for neuro support of the baby. It can also help stop false labor. Which when you get it, it feels like you are laying...